Monday, April 28, 2008

Locals Protest Uranium Mining Development (Australia)

A group of Alice Springs residents have rallied over the weekend against potential uranium mining of the south of town.

In a symbolic move about 30 people shared yellow sponge cake and raised concerns about the two uranium deposits, Angela and Pamela, which have been licensed for exploration.

Concerned residents say that the public can't be short-sighted about the effects that uranium mining could have on the area.

"I think it is tempting to only see the economic benefits and that's a short term vision and I think that we should be about long term vision," she said.

"The idea of mining is big amount of money in short amount of time. I am concerned about the possible effects of the amount of water that is required for the uranium mine, also contamination of the water catchment area for Alice Springs."

"There are risks involved in uranium mining, risks for the workers, for the local people, risks with transportation. There are untold risks."

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