Thursday, January 22, 2009

Uranium Offers Clean Energy, Economic Benefits...huh?

Mr. Cole is a bit misguided. Nuclear power might not leave a large carbon footprint but that hardly makes it clean. Mining and milling are filthy, contaminating, and deadly...for hundreds of thousands of years. Haven't you been listening to SCC, Mr. Cole? Or reading all the articles on the internet about uranium mining/milling? Or are you an investor? Ms. Dix posted an apropos reply to your letter...included below.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:47 AM EST

The Coal and Energy Commission has an important job to accomplish, and last week's session allowed the public an opportunity to be involved in the process.

Instead, as I understand it, Southside Concerned Citizens members and those they rally slandered the board members, accusing them of corruption.

They threw away their opportunity to suggest what they would like included in the study.

Move on folks. The study is approved and going forward.

Not everyone agrees with their viewpoints, and many other citizens support a new industry opportunity.

Threatening and abusive outbursts have greatly diminished any cause they might have or will have in the future.

The fact is we use immense amounts of energy and it is unreasonable to continue importing energy and exporting jobs abroad.

U.S. power requirements will nearly double in the next two decades from the current energy use.

Conservation and green technology alone are not going to meet the growing demand.

A bleak future looms with the current nationwide recession and an already depressed local economy.

Where mining and oil production are contributors to the economy there are no ghost towns, and on the contrary, bustling business and commerce prevails.

Cole's Hill's ore deposit has great potential and substantial benefits that will create jobs, increase business, and put earnings back into the community while creating a robust and viable economy in the Southside Virginia region.

Fossil fuels provide 75 percent of our power nationwide, but the waste and emissions have altered our climate, polluted our atmosphere, and changed our biosphere.

Solar and wind power is constantly mentioned as the magic bullet, and indeed should be in the future mix; however, it is sporadic, weak and less efficient than other sources. When the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing you have no power.

To produce 1,000 megawatts, a wind farm would cover over 200 square miles, robbing winds that affect climate.

On a large enough scale, wind farms could diminish winds by absorbing energy, creating voids in wind circulation and changing precipitation patterns.

Where's that study?

A solar array would require over 50 square miles. Would you oppose these, too, your own suggestions, I would point out, anywhere near where you live?

In contrast, a nuclear power generation plant covers only one-third of a square mile.

Nuclear energy is the answer, not the problem.

Two power plants in Virginia currently produce 30 percent of Virginia's power. If you complain and oppose nuclear energy, then I suggest turning off your lights and power a week and half per month or one out of every three days.

You're hypocrites using nuclear power and then complaining about it with the "not in my backyard" attitude while enjoying the benefits.

Recent letters attack coal-fired power, so better yet, why not just completely disconnect from the power grid? You're just a consumer like everyone else!

Uranium is already used and processed in Virginia within a highly regulated framework.

Lynchburg to the north has an enrichment facility for nuclear fuels that has been there for some time.

France converted its entire power system to reactors and breeder reactors and enjoys a very clean environment.

I attended a "seminar" a while back sponsored by the Southside Concerned Citizens. The first order of business was making sure no one challenged the SCC agenda.

Pittsylvania County-Chatham SCC Chapter president Gregg Vickrey asked who worked for Virginia Uranium and promptly censored them from making any comments or asking any questions.

The presentation that followed reviewed Virginia Uranium's prospectus, making a negative issue of U.S. corporations and consortiums using outside expertise and external investment.

It is common practice in any industry or business venture to seek outside sources for either consultation or financial investment.

If you own a mutual fund, money market, or stocks, then you are supporting very large corporations and they are not all local.

It is my impression much of the "seminar" was more of an emotional setting with sketchy, erroneous maps, photographs, and a running monologue with no reference, statistics or citations.

Simply put, it was not credible or believable. The fear tactics and shock value works for some, and is easier than trying to get educated or really understand the subject.

I finally left when it digressed into attacks on the democracy in our country and how this is an assault on the residents.

Virginia Uranium remains a locally owned and operated company and has real potential.

Big tobacco dominated the region for centuries and made fortunes killing more people than any nuclear energy ever will.

Coliform bacteria and other agents continue polluting the Dan River Basin and surrounding waterways.

Nitrate and phosphate fertilizers washing into the environment cause serious health problems and poor water quality.

What is the SCC doing about those real environmental problems? Why don't you tend issues already in your own back yard first?

Driving cars, using appliances and enjoying modern living can only come from mining metals. Using natural resources is for your benefit.

Nuclear medicine and x-rays yield more exposure from one visit than living your whole life near a mine or reactor.

Opinions without education or knowledge are the purest form of ignorance.

Read the book "Power to Save the World - The Truth about Nuclear Energy" by Craven, copyright 2007.

Chicken Little really thought the sky was falling and everyone else believed it, too.

The truth is nuclear power is cleaner, will curb the global warming situation, and reduce pollution into our atmosphere and watersheds.

Frank Cole


As a reply:

Deborah Dix wrote on Jan 21, 2009 1:20 PM:

" Can pro uranium mining people tell me names of the Clean Uranium Mines and locations of mines that does not pollute?

Can Pro uranium mining people tell me the names of the Clean Nuclear Plants never does not pollute?

Can Pro uranium mining people tell me the cost of electric bills cost the French people since they use France as a Role Model?

Can Pro uranium mining people tell me how they clean up the uranium mill tailings and where they are stored the tailings when the mine shuts down?

Can Pro uranium mining people tell me how they reclaim the land and the locations of reclaimed uranium mining locations?

Can Pro uranium mining people tell me how Uranium contamined Orange County, CA (the county supervisors did not inform the citizens of problem with uranium) water which comes from the West where the uranium milling ponds are close to the Green and Colorado River?

I emailed Virginia Uranium, Inc with the questions and they have never responded to my email, I have emailed Areva, they never responded to my email, I emailed all the Canadian companies, they never responded to my questions.

Can the pro uranium people, the pro nuclear power answer my questions?

Why do you not want any Green Power?

Japan depends on Nuclear Power (the local people do not have the choice to oppose nuclear power) but they use other forms of power, I saw huge Wind Mills Farms on their mountains! "

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