Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is this what you want?

Virginia Uranium Inc. assures the people of Southside Virginia it will mine safely, and perhaps the mining company will mine in the most safest manner possible, but the end result will still be contamination of the air, water and land, leading to millions of dollars being spent on post-mining reclamation activities and the maintenance of a Superfund site around Coles Hills and other sites if more mines open.

Is this really what we want for the people of Virginia? Will we, as peoples in other lands, hear mining companies' assurances of safe mining practices along with the promise of jobs, be left to deal with the contamination of air, water, land and people? (Uranium Corporation of India Limited: Wasting Away Tribal Lands by M. Basu, Oct. 7, 2009.

Anne Cockrell
Danville, Virginia

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