Looks like we missed this little merger in December, 2008. Puts VUI even deeper into Canadian business territory.
Report title: CanAlaska Uranium Ltd acquires Santoy Resources Ltd-Uranium from Santoy Resources Ltd from Thomson Financial Mergers & Acquisitions
published Dec 22, 2008
Price $48.00 available for immediate download
Thomson Financial Mergers & Acquisitions
Thomson Financial's (TF) Worldwide Mergers and Acquisitions database covers public and private transactions involving at least a 5% ownership of a company. Transactions include m&a, stock swaps, LBO's, spinoffs, rumored and seeking buyer deals, and more. U.S. deals date as far back as 1979, and international deals to 1985.
Report title: CanAlaska Uranium Ltd acquires Santoy Resources Ltd-Uranium from Santoy Resources Ltd
published Dec 22, 2008
Price $48.00 available for immediate download
Report Overview
CANADA - CanAlaska Uranium Ltd (CA) acquired a uranium lease from Santoy Resources Ltd, a uranium mining company, in exchange for 0.04 mil CA common shares valued at 0.002 mil Canadian dollars ($0.002 mil US), including the issuance of warrants to purchase common shares.
Acquirer: CanAlaska Uranium Ltd
Acquirer Business Discription: Uranium mining co
Acquirer SIC Code: 1094 - Uranium-radium-vanadium ores
Target Name: Santoy Resources Ltd-Uranium
Target Business Description: Uranium mining ppty
Target Ultimate Parent: Santoy Resources Ltd
Target SIC Code: 1094 - Uranium-radium-vanadium ores
Please Note: Target Financials are not included in this report.
Free Sample: Click Here to Download
Acquirer: CanAlaska Uranium Ltd
Acquirer Business Discription: Uranium mining co
Acquirer SIC Code: 1094 - Uranium-radium-vanadium ores
Target Name: Santoy Resources Ltd-Uranium
Target Business Description: Uranium mining ppty
Target Ultimate Parent: Santoy Resources Ltd
Target SIC Code: 1094 - Uranium-radium-vanadium ores
Please Note: Target Financials are not included in this report.
Free Sample: Click Here to Download
Thomson Financial's (TF) Worldwide Mergers and Acquisitions database covers public and private transactions involving at least a 5% ownership of a company. Transactions include m&a, stock swaps, LBO's, spinoffs, rumored and seeking buyer deals, and more. U.S. deals date as far back as 1979, and international deals to 1985.
Smidgen, please don't use RED FONT in your posts! It makes you look like you are yelling, mad, even crazy! And we all know that you're not, right?
The red font was in the original text on the original website. I just copied and pasted...I didn't choose the text colors.
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
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