Thursday, March 26, 2009

Uranium Ban a Wasted Effort

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 9:27 AM EDT

Chatham Star-Tribune


The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors is being urged by many people to adopt ordinances to prevent uranium mining in Pittsylvania County.

I do not believe there is any citizen of Pittsylvania County more opposed to uranium mining in our county and state than I am.

I am also opposed to the Board of Supervisors taking such actions as it will most surely cause Pittsylvania County to be brought into court to answer for ordinances which have been passed.

I wonder if the Board of Supervisors would consider sponsoring an educational meeting for the public on the differences between the powers of local governments in Dillon Rule states and home rule states? This might prevent a great deal of misunderstanding in the future.

For speaker, I would suggest Professor Jesse J. Richardson Jr., an attorney and faculty member in Urban Affairs and Planning at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University supplemented by any other persons the board would care to have participate.

I think our local efforts should be devoted to the realm of the possible, and changing Virginia from a Dillon rule state to a home rule state is not in such a set of actions at this time.

We need all of our efforts to bring pressure on the members of the General Assembly.

I personally do not care if the much touted "study" says mining uranium here will be as safe as eating an ice cream cone.

I still want this ore kept in the ground, just as it is now, forever even if Walter Coles and his descendents become paupers.

Hildred C. Shelton


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